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IMI’s Information Based Manufacturing Program is in the 1st of 3 stages  –

STAGE 1: Contact - Outreach Program

The Stage 1 Services Program will get small business on-line with a webpage, product catalogue and e-commerce capability.

Businesses can describe their services and products on the data input form and then fax or post it to the IMI Service Centre, where the data is used to create a webpage, product catalogue and if selected e-commerce facilities for the business. Soon on-line data entry will allow business to create and maintain their own catalogues if they so prefer. Mechanics’ Institutes will be able to establish an Internet Mall of local businesses and business can use the Internet Mall to advertise to the growing numbers of Internet consumers. IMI will help to simplify the process of producing advertising material for products and services.

STAGE 2: Compatibility - Access Digital Engineering

In the near future manufacturing will be ‘Industrial Information Infrastructure’ based and the participants in this new economy will require more skills than Internet and e-commerce literacy. Businesses will need the skills and software necessary to create simulation models. Increasingly manufacturers will source components and materials from suppliers able to provide simulation models of their products via the Internet.

IMI intends in the future to establish a library of computer software (that the average computer user could not locate or afford) which will provide the facilities and infrastructure necessary for this Virtual Enterprise mode of business.

These software tools provide the means for businesses to take their innovations to market, by putting them in a form from which they can be directly manufactured and marketed. IMI can provide the data conversion service to create 3D models and simulation models of products.

STAGE 3: Innovation - Digital Engineering Design

Finally IMI will establish a comprehensive library of the software to provide the facilities and infrastructure necessary for  Virtual Product Design.

Services will soon be available on our services website. The IMI Services Logo shown below and on our homepage will link to the services website.